With the Lenz Moon, the celestial body is approaching Earth again. But even more weighty are the position changes of Saturn and Pluto.
March heralds spring and a turbulent time: While the so-called Lenz Moon – or Worm Moon – appears in its full glory in the sky on March 7, 2023, two other planets move into the next zodiac sign.
The full moon in March is also called the Lentil Moon, Worm Moon or Crow Moon – because in March, spring begins, and animals start to stir again.
The full moon will take place at 13.40 o’clock, but also the night to Wednesday, it will still be visible in the sky, and after the “micro moon” in February, it will appear to us again somewhat larger. It comes on its elliptical orbit again closer to the Earth. It will reach its closest point to Earth this year on August 1 – and thus become a supermoon again.
With the full moon, Pluto, one of the most important planets in astrology, changes signs. This only happens once in a blue moon: After being in Capricorn for the past 16 years, it will remain in Aquarius for 20 (!) years. According to astrologers, this means a time of significant change is coming.
This effect is initially supported by Saturn, which moves into the next sign every two to three years. On March 7, 2023, the planet moves into the sign of Pisces. From an astrological point of view, not a very harmonious constellation, but one that will accompany us for the next three years and make us question everything.
When the full moon comes again
March 7 – 13:40
April 6 – 6:34 a.m.
May 5 – 7:34 p.m.
June 4 – 05.41 a.m.
July 3 – 13.38
August 1 – 20.31
August 31 – 03.35
September 29 – 11.57 a.m.
October 28 – 22.24
November 27 – 10.16 a.m.
December 27 – 01.33
- source: heute.at/picture: Bild von Robert Karkowski auf Pixabay
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